
Reinventing the Payments Landscape

Jo Lang from IBM discussed IBM’s payment strategy at MPC.


New Stablecoin Tied to Australian Dollar

An Australian stablecoin by the Novatti Group is launching on the Stellar network.


Better Stellar Fee Channels

Tyler van der Hoeven describes how he manages repaying his users’ Stellar network transaction fees.


IBM Blockchain World Wire: How it works

IBM released a World Wire explainer video.


New Video: Accounts and Transactions ‍

The next video in our Stellar Overview Course is out. This one covers the basics of accounts and transactions and provides an explanation of hot and cold wallets.


Are Stablecoins Insured?

Stronghold’s USD custodian Prime Trust describes best practices for stablecoin custodians.


Prime Trust to Custody All Tokens for the Stellar Blockchain

Prime Trust has added custody for Stellar-based tokens (they are also Stronghold’s USD custodian).


Cryptocurrency Custodian BitGo Adds Stellar

Cryptocurrency custodian BitGo will be adding support for Stellar Lumens.


CAP Draft for Network Throttling

Nicolas Berry released the first draft of CAP-0005, which addresses throttling the network in times of high demand through transaction fee surge pricing.


Circle Invest announces Collections

Circle Invest launched “Collections” (thematic buying) and included Stellar Lumens in their Payment collection.


Unlimited Number of Assets in .toml File

A new SEP draft authored by OrbitLens and Paul Tiplady "describes a standard way to query asset metadata, thereby allowing the issuer to deal with an unlimited number of assets without defining each of them in stellar.toml file."


Lobstr to Run StellarTerm

Last week, StellarTerm published an update to their site, saying "Development of StellarTerm is unable to keep up with the latest developments of the Stellar network & can't provide the best experience that users all deserve. Unfortunately, due to lack of funding & dev time, StellarTerm will be shutting down." This morning, Lobstr announced that they will now be “leading further development of StellarTerm”.


Mobius Releases Mobile Wallet

Mobius published iOS and Android mobile wallets for the Stellar network. The wallet is non-custodial (unlike Lobstr, like BlockEQ), and they pre-fund your account with enough lumens to pay for ~10,000 transactions.


StellarX Live with Fiat Deposits

StellarX is live and is offering USD deposits via AnchorUSD as well as federated addresses under the domain.


How StellarX Will Take Over The World

After officially launching, StellarX describes their vision and how they plan to get there.


Democratizing Access To Global Capital

DSTOQ lays out a compelling mission - to give people in countries with volatile local currencies access to foreign and stable stock exchanges.


Balancing Public and Private Networks

On a Crypto Finance Conference panel before the acquisition announcement, McCaleb and Ludwin discussed public and private networks. "If we want securities or currencies to run over a network like Stellar's network, what do we have to do inside the enterprise to start extracting those assets from the old clunky systems of record and put them into a cryptographic medium?"


Security Token Offerings on Stellar

Smartlands advisor Viktor Krekotin lays out the advantages of a Security Token Offering (STO) compared to an ICO and why Stellar’s Compliance Protocol and other features make sense for issuing a STO.


Stable Coin API

Stronghold has released their stable coin platform APIs, "a new way for customers to transact with multiple cryptocurrencies, make deposits and withdrawals, and convert funds back into fiat currencies."


Stripe gave up on bitcoin, but...

“We’re very excited by [the] longterm potential for the payments use cases of crypto." - John Collison of Stripe


Lightning on Stellar = Starlight

With the announcement of Interstellar came some more clarity around Lightning on Stellar - it is a project by Interstellar and is called Starlight.


Reputational vs. Economic Consensus

SDF/Interstellar advisor Jeremy Rubin’s TechCrunch article stipulating that ETH will collapse to $0 received a response from Vitalik. Jeremy tweetstormed a response to Vitalk’s reply, suggesting that if ETH goes to $0, Ethereum PoS consensus can no longer function because it’s dependent on ETH having value, whereas, if lumens go to $0, Stellar consensus can continue because it’s reputational and not economic.


Stellar ICOs on TokenSoft

ICO services platform TokenSoft now supports Stellar.


Lightyear Acquires Chain, Becomes Interstellar

SDF’s for-profit arm Lightyear officially acquired Chain and formed a new entity called Interstellar. Details:

  • Interstellar’s products will enable institutions to issue, exchange, and manage assets in private and public environments.
  • Private use case: Chain’s Sequence product allows businesses like Visa and Nasdaq to move and track assets between internal accounts.
  • Public use case: When assets need to move between businesses, they can move on the Stellar network’s public ledger.
  • Chain/Interstellar CEO Ludwin indicated that Chain’s customers “were overwhelmingly supportive of us taking this step, giving me the confidence that the enterprise market was ready to take public networks seriously.”

Ludwin explains why Chain merged with Lightyear in a tweetstorm.
Interstellar press release.
CoinDesk coverage.
Yahoo Finance’s video interview with Ludwin.


Asset Audit API

Tyler van der Hoeven is building an asset audit API endpoint that returns a list of the most trusted issuers of different assets. “Signals will include things like native asset balance, total trustlines, verified account data like home domain, toml file and inflation destination, account activity, total payments, age of account, multiple signers, other active and trusted trustlines issued from account.”

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